Solar panel inverters are one of the most important parts of a solar panel system.
It converts direct current (DC) into photovoltaic (PV) solar panels to an alternating current (AC) which allows it to power a certain establishment or structure.
As mentioned above, inverters play an important role in the solar energy system.
Technically, Solar panel inverters are the brains and the main instructors in the system.
As owners, it is in our interests to know what inverters do and how it is important to keep them maintained and free from damages.
Yes, solar panels rarely cause issues but when they do it can be stressful.
We, J.D. Solar Panel Solutions offer inverter services that are ideal to what most owners want.
From installation to maintenance, we have a team that is ready to offer services anytime.
Call our customer service team and will be at your doorstep ASAP.
Common Solar Panel Inverter Issues and Maintenance Tips
Solar panels are durable which can work for a long time if maintained properly.
Of course, its parts are inevitable due to damages and issues, especially the solar panel inverters.
These inverters play an important role in providing solar energy to the system.
Yet, we often forget to keep it from damages and of course have it checked by professionals.
After all, having a working solar panel inverter can make our lives easier and free from surging electricity bills.
The question is, what are the common inverters that we need to avoid?
Technically, it can be a tricky move to replace or repair an inverter without prior knowledge of the device.
Thus, it might make the situation worse which might lead to more troubles later on.
Below are the common solar panel inverter issues and maintenance tips to follow:
Installation Issues
Faulty installation of inverters is one of the common reasons why inverters fail to function right.
The problem might be a misconnection between strings or incorrect programming of the systems.
Either way, it is very important to have an expert during the installation process to minimize faulty start-ups later on.
Technically, instructions on how to install the inverters are on the manual as provided by the manufacturers.
For this reason, the installer’s ability and expertise are very important things during the process.
The question is, ‘how can we know if the inverter’s installation is correct?’.
The Start-up phase or powering of the solar panels undergoes three tests before the installer concludes that everything is in the right position and location.
The three tests are reactive power regulations, remote control activation, and deactivations, and lastly yield tests.
Of course, it is important to have a reliable team that can do and offers installation service.
After all, maintaining inverters can be hard for those who knew nothing about it in the first place.
An Overheating Inverter
Exposure of the inverters to various current exchanges makes them subject to overheating and power issues.
High temperatures often cause the inverters to stop releasing energy which minimizes production.
In this regard, it is important to conduct an energy assessment done by professionals and trusted installers.
Another thing, keep in mind is that the cooling and ventilation system of the house and the panel itself is working to avoid overheating.
We can also install dust filters, make sure that switches are well ventilated, and keep the whole system free from power issues.
Isolation and Connection Issues
Isolation and connection issues often happen when there is a single issue on the wirings.
Meaning, a short circuit might cause a bigger problem if not handled properly during the process.
Luckily, inverters can send alarms by having an ‘isolation alarm’ system which means that the isolation is in serious trouble.
During a short circuit, the solar panel inverter will stop working right and will only give the required energy based on the available connections left.
Warning to all, isolation or connection issues are very dangerous.
Our panels are subject to high voltages which can destroy the solar energy exchange and conversion.
With this, it is important to keep it maintained and check from time to time.
What About Solar Panel Inverter Maintenance?
Solar panel inverter maintenance is one of the most important services that our inverters need.
The involvement of energy, wires, and cables in one system makes it vulnerable to various issues.
For this reason, it is important to keep it checked and free from damages.
When it comes to maintenance, the inverters must be correctly installed.
Second, keep it clean and well-ventilated to avoid short circuits and other issues above.
Third, seek professional help and have a regular maintenance routine.
J.D. Solar Panel Solutions offer inverter maintenance and installation services.
We have a team that is ready around the clock and will be at your service anytime.
Call our customer service team and we will be happy to be at your service.